
Cutting, marking, cutting, and marking...

Hey friends,

Just a quick check in!  I'm making progress!  After making three... yes, count them, 1, 2, 3! muslins, I finally got the fit just right on my peony :)  It seems a little obsessive, but I learned a lot about myself through this.  I am really hoping that now that I have really perfected this muslin, it will give me better ideas on what to look for a change on the first round for my next project, and the next!  I learned to fit better, I learned darts better, thanks to Carrie and Oona, I learned that I am short waisted, which helped.  I used my Fit for Real People a lot, and I now feel slightly more confident with fitting!  One project at a time, yes?

So, I just spent the last 3 hours tracing out the remaining pattern pieces, cutting the parts out of my fashion fabric, marking all the pertinent markings, and getting ready to sew the damn thing together!

Pictures to come soon I hope, but until then, something I thought was interesting!

This picture has been floating around Pintrest, you may have seen it.  I love that sewing allows us to use both sides of our brain.  We have to use the left in order to be methodical, mathematical, and logical with our sewing.  But, there is so much creativity involved!  We are allowed to be wild, crazy, creative, abstract, and express our joy through the fabric we choose, and the way we tweak our patterns!  Love it!

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